Cherry Blossoms, Hand colored, signed, numbered and framed by Karl
Colored pencil on 11 X 17 print, Lying on the ground under the blooming ornamental cherry trees along the tidal basin in DC I felt as though I was wrapped in their branches. It was a very special experience and it stayed with me for months and now I share it here.
Colored pencil on 11 X 17 print, Lying on the ground under the blooming ornamental cherry trees along the tidal basin in DC I felt as though I was wrapped in their branches. It was a very special experience and it stayed with me for months and now I share it here.
Colored pencil on 11 X 17 print, Lying on the ground under the blooming ornamental cherry trees along the tidal basin in DC I felt as though I was wrapped in their branches. It was a very special experience and it stayed with me for months and now I share it here.